3rd floor, Queensway House, Kaunda Street

+254 706544580

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Mon - Fri 8:30 AM - 6PM, Sat 9AM - 5PM

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Your perfect smile is a click away!

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Opening Hours

Mon - Fri 8:30 AM - 6PM, Sat 9AM - 5PM

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Your perfect smile is a click away!

Aging and your teeth

AGING AND YOUR TEETH Oh, the invincibility of youth. When we are in our twenties, we feel as if we will never have a wrinkle, or lose the spring in our step. As we grow older, we discover that what happened to those who went before us, can and in some cases will happen to us. [...]

Circular or cervical enamel..

CIRCULAR OR CERVICAL ENAMEL.. “Cervical enamel hypoplasia.” Yes, that is the word. But what does it mean?” She had been noticing that her teeth were yellowing at the gum line. And it was widespread, even her back teeth showed the sickly brownish yellow tinge. When she looked closer, she noticed little pits in the surfaces [...]